Information Technology
The Petroviser Ltd renders a full range of services in developing custom software for oil and gas companies. These services include:
- customer needs pre-design survey;
- software development planning and implementation;
- preparation of design and user documentation;
- integration of existing software and software under development;
- technical and user support.
We offer ready to use computer systems for such fields of application as technical supervision of well construction, mudlogging, horizontal wells planning, and cost estimation, One of the advantages of the information systems developed is ability of using them by both local and expat users.
Remote Well Drilling Monitoring System - WellOnline
The WellOnline allows an oil company creating its own knowledgebase of well construction and provides all levels of management with full and accurate information on drilling processes, work activities, and costs. All of these are essential for implementing comprehensive geological, technological, and economic tasks. The system also allows automating routine of doing reporting documentation. It is a common tool of our supervisors and mudloggers.
Well Drilling Reporting Application - WellReport
The WellReport provides comprehensive documenting of all works and activities taking place on a drilling rig during well construction period.
It is an ultimate source of information for all kinds of reporting from wellsites, the information base for technical and economic analysis, and quality assurance of carried out drilling and logging works. The WellReport is a common tool of our supervisors.
Drilling Schedule and Resource Planning
Drilling Schedule and Resource Planning serves for scheduling of drilling operations and planning required resources, as well as generating reports by type of work (derrick rig up, drilling, cementing, completion, e.t.c.) and by rigs.
The Drilling Schedule and Resource Planning application provides all levels of management of the company with information on current status of actual vs. planned volumes of work and dates of activities scheduled and milestones to control.
Wellpath Design and Anticollision Software for Cluster Drilling - PadCourses
PadCourses is aimed to implement tasks related to design and drilling of directional, horizontal, multilateral wells, and sidetracking while cluster well drilling.
Visualization of Mud Logging and Well Logging Data - Ultimate Logs
The Ultimate Logs is used for viewing, editing, and printing geological, geochemical, geophysical, and technological information. It is used by Petroviser's operators of mudlogging stations and managers.
Prediction of Abnormally-High Formation Pressure
The software helps to estimate formation pressure and identify the required specific gravity of the drilling fluid when entering AHFP zones and determine the depth for running casing columns.
Casing Design Software
The software provides design of casing columns for oil and gas wells constituted out of both domestic and import pipes. It takes into account specific conditions of drilling, including permafrost conditions. It helps to determine basic loads affecting casing in the course drilling, testing and operation of vertical, directional and horizontal wells on land.
Hydraulics Calculations
The Hydraulics Calculations software is intended to help in compilation of hydraulic programs of drilling.
Cementing Design
The software was developed to assist in the process of calculation of well cementing and compilation works procedures on running and cementing casing columns in a well.
Bridging Calculator
Bridging Calculator is providing mud engineers the necessary data to complete the process of clogging, and to determine the fractional composition of bridging agents.
Engineering Calculator
Engineering Calculator is drilling engineering software that contains the most useful utilities for drilling and mud related calculations in the field while drilling and workover.