Hydraulics Calculations
Basic purpose:
The Hydraulics Calculations software is intended to help in compilation of hydraulic programs of drilling. The application allows to carry out calculations and to represent its results in a graphic form. It was developed to be use in the oil and gas companies engaged to do appropriate works.
Calculations Performed:
- pressure losses in elements of circulating system;
- pressure losses in the annulus;
- equivalent density of drilling fluid;
- swabbing pressure at tool motion;
- allowable speed of RIH/POOH of the tool;
- bottomhole pressure while doing various well operations.
Basic Features:
- The program performs calculations by utilizing the following techniques:
- Bingham Plastic Model - the method described in Manuel de Rheologie des Fluides de Forage et Laitiers de Ciments (Editions Technip, 1979).
- Modified Bingham Plastic Model (Preston Moore) - the method described in Preston Moore's Drilling Practices Manual (PennWell Books, 1974).
- Power Law Model (ARTEP) - the method described in Manuel de Rheologie des Fluides de Forage et Laitiers de Ciments (Editions Technip, 1979).
- Modified Power Law Model (Preston Moore) - the method described in Preston Moore's Drilling Practices Manual (PennWell Books, 1974).
- Power Law API Model - the method recommended by the American Petroleum Institute.
- Alternative Model - the method represents the modern calculations approach developed by Hughes Tool Co.